Pick a Day and Get Over It

Through many interactions with husbands, lots of research, and a large amount of reading others books on marriage and counseling, I've come to believe strongly in something a former boss of mine used to say. This may come across as somewhat blunt, but in the spirit of Geico's Drill Sergeant Turned Therapist commercial, sometimes you just need to be blunt. 

So here it is, "Pick a day and get over it."

Quit making excuses for why you are the way you are, others may have influenced who you are, but the bottom line is it's your choice whether or not those influences control you. Quit whining about how miserable things are and put together a plan to fix them. For the record, fixing refers to staying married and developing a plan to re-learn your spouse and rekindle the passion that brought you together in the first place. Your first stop is likely going to be your pride and ego. To modify my former boss's statement, pick a day and get over yourself. Marriage is about giving not getting. The quicker you adopt that mindset, the quick you will be on your way to a fantastic marriage. 


Fundamental Principle


I Love A Different Woman