Rule #2: No Time Line

My book, For The Honor Of The vow, contains a list of eight rules. Rule #2 is No Timeline. Under this rule, it is made clear your commitment to love and cherish your wife is a life-long commitment which means you are not finished cultivating your marriage until you're dead. 

Too many guys who have honestly changed, feel their wife should accept his new outlook on marriage fully and without delay. All too often their insistence on immediate acceptance only serves to force her trust in him. In the end, this works against him and she shuts down and shuts him out.

They say the key to success for a business is location, location, location. To follow the same methodology, the key to renewing your marriage and rebuilding her trust in you is patience, patience, patience. 

Consistently and honorable continue to love and cherish her unconditionally and leaving the healing and the timing to God. 


I Never Agreed To That


Walk Away...Together