I Never Agreed To That

On "Everybody Loves Raymond" (my favorite show), Debra reminds Raymond that he agreed to watch the kids on Sat. He, of course, denies it. He then tries to nullify his agreement with "did I say 'Yes' or did you ask me while I was watching the game and I said 'Yeah, Yeah, Yeah'" It was the latter, but Debra held him to it non-the-less.

Hearing is easy, listening is an art. 

Couple of rules to follow: 
1) Remove distractions
2) Look directly at the speaker
3) Listen to what the speaker is saying instead of thinking about your response
4) Let them finish their sentence
5) Repeat back what you think your heard 

6) Say, That's interesting, tell me more. 


Fired Up About Marriage...And You Should Be Too


Rule #2: No Time Line